( is under new management, this article previously appeared on the old website and was not written by the new site owners.)
- Good Beginnings recognises families and communities are part of an ecological system influenced by social, economic, physical and cultural factors
- Good Beginnings builds on strengths, existing knowledge and skills of families, volunteers and local communities
- Good Beginnings programs focus on early intervention and prevention activities as the more effective way of supporting children and their families
- Good Beginnings bases its planning and development on needs identified by local communities and agencies
- Good Beginnings collaborates and generates partnerships with public and private agencies to improve support for families
- Good Beginnings supports processes ensuring local ownership of all Good Beginnings Programs
- Good Beginnings respects individuality of children, family members, volunteer and paid workers
- Good Beginnings adopts a flexible, responsive approach in interactions and planning
- Good Beginnings respects choices made by families, communities and agencies
- Good Beginnings practices a family-centered approach, working alongside families, encouraging decision-making by families
- Good Beginnings values the development and growth of all family members
- Good Beginnings supports family independence
- Good Beginnings provides information in a culturally sensitive manner
- Good Beginnings values diversity
- Good Beginnings develops relationships built on trust